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Strategic approach to the study of interdependence of price and quality of wine – Croatian experience (CROSBI ID 605289)

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Meler, Marcel ; Horvat, Đuro ; Kristić, Jelena Strategic approach to the study of interdependence of price and quality of wine – Croatian experience // Proceedings of international symposium for agriculture and food (volume II) - 37th Faculty-Economy meeting, 4th Macedonian symposium for viticulture and wine production and 7th symposium for vegetable and flower production / Dimitrievski, Dragi (ur.). Skopje: Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, 2013. str. 1036-1047

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Meler, Marcel ; Horvat, Đuro ; Kristić, Jelena


Strategic approach to the study of interdependence of price and quality of wine – Croatian experience

One of the main strategic points within wine marketing is the establishment of interdependence of quality and price, especially for new products. The paper will start with theoretical approach to wine quality and wine price separately and will discuss the interdependence of quality and price of wine which represents the assumption for strategic approach to this problem for wine producers and wine dealers. Results of indicative research conducted in The Republic of Croatia which were gained by probing of individual questioning with the aim of defining the importance of quality and price when buying wine are shown within the scientific research. In the end, managerial implications based on experience of Croatian wine producers and wine dealers are shown.

wine price ; wine quality ; wine marketing ; interdependence of quality and price of wine

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Dimitrievski, Dragi

Skopje: Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje


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Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija), Biotehnologija, Ekonomija