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The right o local and regioanl authorities to be consulted - the Repbulic of Croatia (CROSBI ID 773474)

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Zvonimir, Lauc The right o local and regioanl authorities to be consulted - the Repbulic of Croatia // CG(23)11 The Congres of local and regional authorities. 2012.

Podaci o odgovornosti

Zvonimir, Lauc


The right o local and regioanl authorities to be consulted - the Repbulic of Croatia

The right of local authotities to be consulted, enrished in the ECLSG, is a core principle of local democracy.In Republi of Croatia although the principle of consultation of all intersted parties in the law-making process is declared by law and a govermental decree, in practice, local authorities are consulted only in cases if boudary changes and spatial planning. The recurent problem is that central government ignores the existing rules of consultation and the voice of local authorities cannot be heard in the decisin-making process. Even if consultation happen regularly, the criticism is often made that these negotiations are conducted in a merely formal way, without any real chance to consider the standpoint or opinions of local authorities. It is a recurrent objection that the consultation process is organised in formal way only because the law prescribes it. Problems is also in the low ability of local government units to express and articulate their interests, as well as the lack of adequate staff and capacity of the local government associtions. Significant downturn with regard to consultation that due to the negative effects of the global economic and financial crises, local interst, in particular the financial autonomy and capacity of local authorities have suffered serious demage in recent years. Great problem in RC is that we have not never make seriiosly decentralization with devolution.

the right to be consulted; ECLSG; Republic of Croatia

Z.L. je čan Skupine nezavisnih stručnjaka za Europsku povelju o lokalnoj smaoupravi Vijeća Europe, čiji rad se, između ostalog, odvija oko koncipiranja odgovarajućih upitnika o "institutima", načelima i stiupacijama Povelje, na koje svaka država na taj način daje odgovore. Ovi odgovori služe za argumentaciju (elaboraciju) rezolucija i preporuka i eksplanatornih izvješća Kongresa lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti VE.

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CG(23)11 The Congres of local and regional authorities


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