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The Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia, The state of research and selected problems of the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia, ed. by Branka Migotti, BAR International Series 2393, Oxford 2012., 439 str (CROSBI ID 773513)

Druge vrste radova | ostali članci/prilozi

Perinić, Ljubica The Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia, The state of research and selected problems of the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia, ed. by Branka Migotti, BAR International Series 2393, Oxford 2012., 439 str // Oxford. 2012.

Podaci o odgovornosti

Perinić, Ljubica


The Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia, The state of research and selected problems of the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia, ed. by Branka Migotti, BAR International Series 2393, Oxford 2012., 439 str

Overview of selected problems in archaeology in roman Southern Pannonia.

Roman Southern Pannonia; literary sources; late iron age; late antiquity; coin circulation; ethnicidentities; anthroponymy; Roman army; architecture; building techiques ;

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The Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia, The state of research and selected problems of the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia, ed. by Branka Migotti, BAR International Series 2393, Oxford 2012., 439 str

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Roman Southern Pannonia; literary sources; late iron age; late antiquity; coin circulation; ethnicidentities; anthroponymy; Roman army; architecture; building techiques

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