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izvor podataka: crosbi

The territorial organization and regionalization of republic of croatia in the context of eu enlargements – economic approach (CROSBI ID 606636)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Boban, Marija The territorial organization and regionalization of republic of croatia in the context of eu enlargements – economic approach // Economic integrations, competition and cooperation (EUCONF 2011) : proceedings. 2011. str. xx-xx

Podaci o odgovornosti

Boban, Marija


The territorial organization and regionalization of republic of croatia in the context of eu enlargements – economic approach

Comprehensive reform of Local self-government prese nts one of the most important questions in the process of accession to the Europe an Union. In ongoing discussions about effectiveness of the public sector it is almo st impossible to avoid the issue of rational territorial organization of conducting pub lic affairs as well as the question of the effectiveness of the system of local self-gover nment which is considered a key component of the legal and political system in all modern countries In this paper the authors will present the actual s ituation of territorial organization and regionalization of Republic of Croatia as well as future initiatives in Local Government Reform going towards developing a ration al, transparent and effective local government based on Quality management and ec onomic analysis as the crucial measure within the Legal Framework

territorial organization ; regionalization ; local go vernment ; reform ; effectiveness ; legal framework ; economic approach ; EU enlargemen

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Economic integrations, competition and cooperation - EUCONF 2011



Opatija, Hrvatska

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Pravo, Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti