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Cereals and cereal products consumption related to folate intake in older women according to denture wearing (CROSBI ID 606876)

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Beganović, Inga ; Keser, Irena ; Rumbak, Ivana ; Rumora Samarin, Ivana ; Ćatović, Adnan ; Colić Barić, Irena Cereals and cereal products consumption related to folate intake in older women according to denture wearing // 7th international congress FLOUR - BREAD 2013 ; 9th Croatian congress of cereal technologists - BRAŠNO KRUH 2013 / Jukić, Marko ; Koceva Komlenić, Daliborka (ur.). Osijek: Grafika Osijek, 2014. str. 264-270

Podaci o odgovornosti

Beganović, Inga ; Keser, Irena ; Rumbak, Ivana ; Rumora Samarin, Ivana ; Ćatović, Adnan ; Colić Barić, Irena


Cereals and cereal products consumption related to folate intake in older women according to denture wearing

One of the factors that are related to dietary selection of older individuals is oral health status. Food choices change significantly when a patient begins using dentures. Denture wearers tend to eat fewer vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which results in less than desirable intake of certain vitamins such as folate. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is an impact of denture wearing on cereals and cereal products intake, and also on folate intake in older women. The study included 57 women (mean age 63.5 years). Validated quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used. Denture wearers (n=20) had higher average daily intake of cereals and cereal products than non-denture wearers (n=37) (155.9 g vs. 145.3 g), but the difference was not significant. Folate intake was not significantly different according to denture wearing. Higher number of denture wearers avoided hard-to-chew foods, such as crusty, dry breads (25.0% vs. 8.6%), and sticky foods, such as soft, doughy breads (75.0% vs. 45.7%) compared to non-denture wearers. The results showed no significant difference in the amount of cereals and cereal products consumed and in the average folate intake in older women according to denture wearing.

cereals; folate; older women; denture wearing

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Jukić, Marko ; Koceva Komlenić, Daliborka

Osijek: Grafika Osijek


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Povezanost rada

Dentalna medicina, Prehrambena tehnologija