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Criminal Law Protection Against Domestic Violence (CROSBI ID 50766)

Prilog u knjizi | ostalo

Grozdanić, Velinka Criminal Law Protection Against Domestic Violence // Essays in Honour of Alenka Šelih: Criminal Law, Criminology, Human Rights / Ambrož, Matjaž ; Filipčić, Katja ; Završnik, Aleš ; (ur.). Ljubljana: Inštitut za kriminologijo pri Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani, 2013. str. 243-255

Podaci o odgovornosti

Grozdanić, Velinka


Criminal Law Protection Against Domestic Violence

On occasion of the edition dedicated to professor Alenka Šelih, allow me to present a short personal review of more than two decades of our acquaintance. Through this rather long period of time, in numerous, at first professional and later friendly meetings, Alenka Šelih as a true humanist has always shown, on a professional and personal level, a particular sensitivity to people in need. Unfortunately, in today's modern society there are many afflicted people, and victims of domestic violence are somewhere near the top of this unpopular scale. Therefore, by deciding to write about victims of family violence as one of the most vulnerable group in this special monograph, it is my personal pleasure to take part in birthday celebration of professor Šelih.

domestic violence, criminal legal protection, Croatia

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Podaci o knjizi

Ambrož, Matjaž ; Filipčić, Katja ; Završnik, Aleš ;

Ljubljana: Inštitut za kriminologijo pri Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani



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