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Primary Education Teachers E-Learning Adoption (CROSBI ID 608332)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Oreški, Predrag ; Savić, Ivana Primary Education Teachers E-Learning Adoption // HASSACC 2013 - The 1 st Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference / Ing. Michal Mokrys ; Ing. Stefan Badura, Ph.D. ; Ing. Anton Lieskovsky, Ph.D. (ur.). Žilina: University of Žilina, 2013. str. 228-231

Podaci o odgovornosti

Oreški, Predrag ; Savić, Ivana


Primary Education Teachers E-Learning Adoption

In this paper authors explore the adoption of the e-learning by the primary education teachers. The pupils are already using the computers and the Internet for various reasons and they are familiar with the information and communication technology so they can use it for e-learning purposes as well. The authors use the online questionnaire to find out the teachers’ opinion concerning e- learning in the primary education. The research results show that the teachers are not quite sure if they should use the e-learning in teaching. However, there is a great interest for their education about it.

information and communication technology; teaching; lifelong learning

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Ing. Michal Mokrys ; Ing. Stefan Badura, Ph.D. ; Ing. Anton Lieskovsky, Ph.D.

Žilina: University of Žilina


Podaci o skupu

HASSACC 2013 - Virtual Conference - The 1 st Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference



Žilina, Slovačka

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti