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Numerical Model for Static and Dynamic Analysis of Masonry Structures (CROSBI ID 51063)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Radnić, Jure ; Matešan, Domagoj ; Harapin, Alen ; Smilović, Marija ; Grgić, Nikola Numerical Model for Static and Dynamic Analysis of Masonry Structures // Mechanics and Properties of Composed Materials and Structures, Advanced Structured Materials / Andreas Öchsner, Lucas F. M. da Silva, Holm Altenbach (ur.). Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. str. 1-33

Podaci o odgovornosti

Radnić, Jure ; Matešan, Domagoj ; Harapin, Alen ; Smilović, Marija ; Grgić, Nikola


Numerical Model for Static and Dynamic Analysis of Masonry Structures

Firstly, the main problems of numerical analysis of masonry structures are briefly discussed. After that, a numerical model for static and dynamic analyses of different types of masonry structures (unreinforced, reinforced and confined) is described. The main nonlinear effects of their behaviour are modelled, including various aspects of material nonlinearity, the problems of contact and geometric nonlinearity. It is possible to simulate the soil-structure interaction in a dynamic analysis. The macro and micro models of masonry are considered. The equilibrium equation, discretizations, material models and solution algorithm are presented. Three solved examples illustrate some possibilities of the presented model and the developed software for static and dynamic analyses of different types of masonry structures.

Masonry structure,  Numerical model,  Static analysis,  Dynamic analysis

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Podaci o knjizi

Andreas Öchsner, Lucas F. M. da Silva, Holm Altenbach

Heidelberg: Springer



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