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Self and mutual ground impedances of cylindrical metal plates buried in homogeneous earth (CROSBI ID 204492)

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Vujević, Slavko ; Lovrić, Dino ; Balaž, Zdenko Self and mutual ground impedances of cylindrical metal plates buried in homogeneous earth // International journal of numerical modelling-electronic networks devices and fields, 28 (2015), 1; 33-49. doi: 10.1002/jnm.1982

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Vujević, Slavko ; Lovrić, Dino ; Balaž, Zdenko


Self and mutual ground impedances of cylindrical metal plates buried in homogeneous earth

This paper presents a numerical procedure for computation of self and mutual impedance of cylindrical metal plates buried in homogeneous earth. Procedure is based on an analytical expression for scalar potential distribution of an equipotential metal plate in homogeneous unbounded medium. The effect of the air–earth boundary condition is taken into account by the exact imaging method. The robustness and accuracy of the computation procedure is based on the combination of analytical integration and 1D and 2D Gaussian quadratures for solving integrals present in expressions for self and mutual ground impedances of metal plates. The attenuation and phase shift is taken into account approximately by introducing the attenuation-phase shift factor. The numerical procedure developed for the computation of self and mutual ground impedances of cylindrical metal plates buried in homogeneous earth is efficient, numerically stable and generally applicable. Numerical model developed for the computation of self and mutual ground impedances of cylindrical metal plates buried in homogeneous earth represents a basis of a wider numerical model for computation of ground fault current distribution in which grounding grids are approximated by metal cylindrical plates.

self and mutual ground impedances; cylindrical metal plate; homogeneous earth; Gaussian quadrature

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