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Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes (CROSBI ID 609382)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | ostalo

Neuhauser, Tina ; Ugarković, Marina ; Matthias Rode ; Oliver Sass ; Johannes Stangl Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes // Akten des 14. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz vom 19. bis 21. April 2012 (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, band 11) / Trinkl, Elizabeth (ur.). Beč: Phoibos, 2014. str. 289-295

Podaci o odgovornosti

Neuhauser, Tina ; Ugarković, Marina ; Matthias Rode ; Oliver Sass ; Johannes Stangl


Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes

U radu su opisani preliminarni rezultati arheološke dokumentacije helenističkog bedema u Stobreču (Epetionu) i geofizičkih ispitivanja u neposrednoj okolini.

Stobreč; Epetion; Hellenistic fortification; archaeological documentation; GPR

U tiskanom dijelu zbornika greškom je objavljen krivi tekst, koji je već prethodno objavljen u Keryx 2: Hellenistisches Zypern, Akten der Internationale Tagung und weiter Beitrage zur Antike. Pravi tekst tiskan je u e- obliku zbornika, te kao separat na stranicama izdavača. In the printed version of the proceedings a wrong text, that was previously published in Keryx 2: Hellenistisches Zypern, Akten der Internationale Tagung und weiter Beitrage zur Antike, was published by mistake. The right text is included in the e- publication of the proceedings, as well as a separted article on the site of the publisher.

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14. Österreichischen Archäologentag



Graz, Austrija

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