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How black is really Black Slavonian pig? (CROSBI ID 205426)

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Margeta, Polona ; Margeta, Vladimir ; Budimir, Kristina How black is really Black Slavonian pig? // Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 4 (2013), 25-28

Podaci o odgovornosti

Margeta, Polona ; Margeta, Vladimir ; Budimir, Kristina


How black is really Black Slavonian pig?

Black Slavonian pig is Croatian autochthonous pig breed, established at the end of the 19th century by crossing locally raised Mangalitsa pigs with Berkshire, Poland China and Large Black pig breeds. Previous study of the main coat colour Extension locus in Black Slavonian pigs revealed the presence of the ED1 allele, typical for black pig breeds of Asian origin. Because the Black Slavonian pig is the only breed with ED1 genotype raised in Croatia, the genotyping of the MC1R gene was used to determine the purity of the Black Slavonian pigs. PCR-RFLP analysis using NspI restriction endonuclease performed on 179 pigs from 9 farms in Osijek-Baranja County shows that only 70 pigs were pure black while other 109 pigs were crossbreeds. The method used is simple, fast, low-cost and reliable and for that reasons it will be further used in the selection programme of Black Slavonian pig.

Black Slavonian pigs ; MC1R gene ; PCR-RFLP genotyping

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