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Behaviour Genetics of Pigs (CROSBI ID 205429)

Prilog u časopisu | ostalo

Budimir, Kristina ; Kralik, Gordana ; Margeta, Vladimir Behaviour Genetics of Pigs // ACS - Agriculturae conspectus scientificus, 78 (2013), 4; 167-170

Podaci o odgovornosti

Budimir, Kristina ; Kralik, Gordana ; Margeta, Vladimir


Behaviour Genetics of Pigs

h e behavior of pigs can be divided into several categories, which include maternal behavior, aggressive behavior, sexual behavior, feeding behavior, and various other forms of emotional behavior. Domestication has caused many changes, from the changes in ontogenetic processes, reproductive and sexual behavior, and the increase in social tolerance between animals. h e possibility of improvement is evident when improving and optimizing environmental factors which af ect maternal behavior. h e behavior of a sow at er farrowing is a factor which af ects the survival of piglets and the longevity of the sow in breeding. h e behavior of the sows which includes the protection of the piglets from predators appears as a consequence of natural selection in the wild boar population. Familiarity with the molecular mechanisms which determine the patterns of behavior enables understanding of behavioral problems such as aggressiveness and the improvement of the well- being of pigs. Research conducted on pigs has determined that there are regions on chromosomes 2, 6, 10, 14, and 15, and chromosome X which can explain the genetic aspect of appearance of some behavioral patterns in sows. h e goal of this paper is to show the behavioral patterns which appear in the population of domestic breeds of pigs and their genetic aspect, which reveals a possibility to improve the production qualities and create higher economic gain during production.

pig ; behaviour ; farrowing ; behavioural patterns

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