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Soft Computing The Entropy of The Modern Financial Analytical Function Based On Fuzzy Logic (CROSBI ID 481037)

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Šimović, Vladimir ; Golubic, Zlatko ; Vojnovic, Savo Soft Computing The Entropy of The Modern Financial Analytical Function Based On Fuzzy Logic // Proceedings of 27th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Financial Modelling. New York (NY), 2000

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Šimović, Vladimir ; Golubic, Zlatko ; Vojnovic, Savo


Soft Computing The Entropy of The Modern Financial Analytical Function Based On Fuzzy Logic

The relatively new model of financial analytical function was developed for a financial knowledge discovery process that was used for the financial Business Intelligence (BI) analysis. Model was developed for the BI work of the various analytical parts of the financial and governmental institutions of the Republic of Croatia. The financial analytical function of the BI was prepared for investigations of various financial events, financial markets, subjects or entities, and for financial business operations control methods, etc. An application of this model increases the group effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of the operational and strategic financial market investigative operations that are in usage during the whole financial knowledge discovery process. The benefit of this new analytical model of financial analytical function is in simple method of measuring analytical capacity and capability of analysis. Objective of this work is to explain the main Operations Research (OR) concept and results, which are accomplished during the soft computing process (based on fuzzy logic) of the analytical entropy of the modern financial analytical function. This is also a solid base for future simulation modelling works.

Soft Computing; Fuzzy Logic; Financial Analytical Function; Business Intelligence

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27th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Financial Modelling



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