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Pre-testing the Effectiveness of Corrosion Inhibitors by Accelerating Method (CROSBI ID 481168)

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Bjegović, Dubravka ; Mikšić, Boris Pre-testing the Effectiveness of Corrosion Inhibitors by Accelerating Method // Eurrocorr 99 / Kreysa, Gerhard (ur.). Fankfurt am Main: Deutsche Gesellschaft für chemisches Apparatewesen (DECHEMA), 1999. str. 37-45-x

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Bjegović, Dubravka ; Mikšić, Boris


Pre-testing the Effectiveness of Corrosion Inhibitors by Accelerating Method

The effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors for the preventing reinforcement corrosion has been investigated in different country from different independent laboratory and with different methods. The most of the testing results pointed out that this method is one of the most promising methods for the reinforcement corrosion protection. Some of these testing results concern on the investigation in solution and some on the concrete specimens. The testing on the real structures is still under investigation. Also there are some doubting results on concrete specimens. The testing on concrete specimens is long lasting and very good when ones has enough time. In this paper are given the results on the pre-testing the corrosion protection effectiveness of different corrosion inhibitors. Several types of the corrosion inhibitors were tested: - plastisizer and air entrainment (one type) - sealing compound (two types). - migrating corrosion inhibitor as admixture in concrete (two types and two concentration) - migration corrosion inhibitor as coat on the concrete surface (two types) - migration corrosion inhibitor as coat on the reinforcing steel surface (three types). The pre-testing were made according modified Japanese standard as the accelerating procedure by using the autoclave. The testing according this standard test method last fourteen days and could be accept as an accelerating test method and very suitable for the testing before testing on concrete specimens. After the autoclave test the specimens were splitted and the corroded area of reinforcing steel were measured. After the measuring the corroded area of reinforcing steel the corrosion prevention rate were calculated. After these pre-testing the conclusion are given in the way which of the investigated inhibitors are good enough for the father investigation and with which concentration. That means also the suggestion for the investigation on the concrete specimens.

autoclave; corrosion inhibitor; pre-testing; method

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kreysa, Gerhard

Fankfurt am Main: Deutsche Gesellschaft für chemisches Apparatewesen (DECHEMA)

Podaci o skupu

Eurocorr 99



Aachen, Njemačka

Povezanost rada
