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A Framework for Generation of Inter-node Communication in Component-based Distributed Embedded Systems (CROSBI ID 612163)

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Lednicki, Luka ; Carlson, Jan A Framework for Generation of Inter-node Communication in Component-based Distributed Embedded Systems // Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. 2014

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Lednicki, Luka ; Carlson, Jan


A Framework for Generation of Inter-node Communication in Component-based Distributed Embedded Systems

In component-based and model-driven development it is common to model embedded applications in a platform-independent manner. As an example, some approaches allow development of distributed applications while abstracting away from details of communication between platform nodes. Using such an approach requires to implement this communication before an executable system is deployed. Currently it is common to automatically implement this communication on the level of code, while providing it on the model level is mostly a task that needs to be done manually. In this paper we present a framework for automatic generation of inter-node communication by adding communication components to software models. The framework provides flexibility in the level of automation of generation decisions, and is defined in a way which allows adding support for new communication media or protocols. We have implemented the generation framework for the IEC 61499 standard and provide a prototype generation tool, which we use for examining the applicability of the approach.

model transformation; communication generation; platform independent

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19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation



Barcelona, Španjolska

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