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Some Current Problems in Optimisation of Radiation Protection System (CROSBI ID 481359)

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Franić, Zdenko ; Prlić, Ivica ; Some Current Problems in Optimisation of Radiation Protection System // IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection an Central Europe, Radiation Protection and Health / Obelić, Bogomil; Ranogajec-Komor, Maria; Miljanić, Saveta et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Croatian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA), 2001. str. 9-9-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Franić, Zdenko ; Prlić, Ivica ;


Some Current Problems in Optimisation of Radiation Protection System

The current system of radiation protection is generaly based on recommendations promulgated in the ICRP publication 60. These principles and recommendations were subsequently adopted by IAEA in International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionising Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources, However, in recent years certain problems have arisen such as application of risk factors at low doses, use and interpretation of a collective dose, concept of dose commitment, optimisation of all types of occupational exposure and practices, implementation of ALARA approach in the common occupational as well as in quite complex situation etc.In this paper are presented some of the issues that have to be addressed in the development of the new ICRP Recommendations that are planned to be developed in next four or five years. As the new radiation protection philosophy shifts from cociety-based control of stochastic risk to an individual-based policy, consequently it will require introduction of modified approach to optimisation process and probably introduction of some new dosimetric quantities.

optimisation process; dosimetric quantities; low doses

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Obelić, Bogomil; Ranogajec-Komor, Maria; Miljanić, Saveta; Krajc

Zagreb: Croatian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA)

Podaci o skupu

IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection an Central Europe, Radiation Protection and Health



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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