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Salt intake through bakery products in Slavonia region (CROSBI ID 613761)

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Jurković, Martina ; Marijanović-Vincetić, Dubravka ; Jurković, Zorica ; Mandić, Milena L. ; Sokolić-Mihalak, Darja Salt intake through bakery products in Slavonia region // Proceedings of 7th International Congress Flour-Bread '13 / Jukić, Marko ; Koceva Komlenić, Daliborka (ur.). Osijek: Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2014. str. 42-49

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Jurković, Martina ; Marijanović-Vincetić, Dubravka ; Jurković, Zorica ; Mandić, Milena L. ; Sokolić-Mihalak, Darja


Salt intake through bakery products in Slavonia region

The reduction of salt intake is a public health issue in many countries because it has been identified as the main cause of several diseases such as hypertension, heart and kidney diseases, stomach cancer, osteoporosis, stroke and obesity. The WHO has set a worldwide target of a maximum salt intake of 5 g/day for adults as a recommendation to reduce daily salt intake. Of all foodstuffs, bread has been identified as the single highest contributor to the total daily salt intake. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to estimate salt intake through bakery products in Slavonia Region and their dependency on different parameters. The quantity of bakery product intake derived from national food consumption survey. The results showed that consumers in Slavonia eat about 148 g/day of various bakery products, and consequently intake 2.43 g/day of salt, which is half of the recommended daily intake. Research has shown that salt intake by bakery products are almost the same in villages and towns. Related to gender, men's intake is higher than women. The intake is highest at low body mass index, and is higher in younger than in elderly population.

salt intake; bakery products consumption; national food consumption survey

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Jukić, Marko ; Koceva Komlenić, Daliborka

Osijek: Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku

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Prehrambena tehnologija