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Erosion resistance of sol-gel TiO2-ZrO2 film on stainless steel (CROSBI ID 613926)

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Grilec, Krešimir ; Ćurković, Lidija ; Majić Renjo, Marijana ; Jakovljević, Suzana ; Rede, Vera Erosion resistance of sol-gel TiO2-ZrO2 film on stainless steel // YUCOMAT 2014 / Stojičić, Aleksandra (ur.). Herceg Novi, 2014. str. 99-99

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Grilec, Krešimir ; Ćurković, Lidija ; Majić Renjo, Marijana ; Jakovljević, Suzana ; Rede, Vera


Erosion resistance of sol-gel TiO2-ZrO2 film on stainless steel

Wear resistance of metallic materials can be improved by modifying their surface with different coating deposition techniques, one of which is a sol-gel technology. In this paper, the erosive wear resistance of a ceramic nanostructured sol-gel TiO2-ZrO2 film deposited on the stainless steel substrate (X5CrNi18-10) by the dip coating technique has been described. Dry silica sand was used as erodent, with impact angle of 30 and 90. The coating thickness, as well as chemical composition after erosion, was analyzed by the Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer (GD- OES). Wear scars were analyzed by the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Obtained results showed that erosive wear resistance of the sol- gel TiO2-ZrO2 film significantly depends on the erodent impact angle, while the erosive wear resistance decreases with the impact angle increase.

sol-gel TiO2-ZrO2 film ; wear resistance

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Stojičić, Aleksandra

Herceg Novi:

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Sixteenth Annual conference YUCOMAT 2014



Herceg Novi, Crna Gora

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