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Local and Regional Governance in Europe: For a New Comparative Framework (CROSBI ID 616370)

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Koprić, Ivan ; Džinić, Jasmina Local and Regional Governance in Europe: For a New Comparative Framework. 2014

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Koprić, Ivan ; Džinić, Jasmina


Local and Regional Governance in Europe: For a New Comparative Framework

Traditionally, comparative analysis in the field of local governments in Europe has been focused on several general aspects, especially on territorial organisation in selected countries, organisation and structure of local governments, local authorities’ responsibilities, human and financial resources. However, because of dynamic development of contemporary societies and important influence of public sector, it is not enough to analyse local governments only in their organisation, structures, and competences. The authors are proposing a new comparative framework comprising the analysis of dynamic processes of local government systems’ development, important actors influencing European local governments and the impacts of dynamic processes and key actors on local government systems. In that respect, specific thematic blocks and issues to be included in the analysis are proposed in the paper.

comparative analysis; local government; new comparative framework

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OLA Network Workshop

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Vilnius, Litva

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