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Antiradical activity of polyphenols from old apple varieties (CROSBI ID 617118)

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Krivak, Petra ; Jakobek, Lidija Antiradical activity of polyphenols from old apple varieties // 15th Ružička days "TODAY SCIENCE–TOMORROW INDUSTRY" / Šubarić, Drago ; Jukić, Ante (ur.). Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Food Technology Osijek Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, 2015. str. 242-252

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Krivak, Petra ; Jakobek, Lidija


Antiradical activity of polyphenols from old apple varieties

The aim of this work was to study the antiradical activity of polyphenols from old, ancient apple varieties grown in Croatia (Crvenka, Pisanika, Ledenara, Adamova zvijezda, Slavonska srčika and Wild apple). Polyphenols were extracted from apple peel and flesh by using ultrasonic bath. The scavenging of synthetic, free DPPH˙ radical by polyphenols was studied until the reaction reached the steady state. A biphasic reaction was observed between apple polyphenols and DPPH˙ radicals, with “fast” and “slow” scavenging rate. The antiradical activity of the peel of apples Pisanika, Ledenara, Crvenka, Adamova zvijezda was similar and higher than the antiradical activity of the peel of Wild apple and Slavonska srčika. On the other hand antiradical activity of the flesh of Wild apple was significantly higher than the antiradical activity of the flesh of other apples. A polyphenolic profile showed that the compounds most likely to be responsible for a strong antiradical activity of Wild apples are chlorogenic acids, phloretin derivatives, quercetin derivatives and flavanols. Polyphenols of old apple varieties can be considered as strong free radical scavengers, especially Wild apples. The overall results showed the need to preserve and protect these old varieties because they represent a significant source for horticultural biodiversity.

old apple varieties; antiradical activity; DPPH˙; biphasic reaction

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Šubarić, Drago ; Jukić, Ante

Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Food Technology Osijek Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers


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Vukovar, Hrvatska

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