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Tableware of the living or pots for the dead? An introduction to the 2nd and 1st c. BC greyware from the tombs of Issa (Eastearn Adriatic) (CROSBI ID 618014)

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Ugarković Marina ; Šegvić, Branimir Tableware of the living or pots for the dead? An introduction to the 2nd and 1st c. BC greyware from the tombs of Issa (Eastearn Adriatic) // III. MEĐUNARODNI ARHEOLOŠKI KOLOKVIJ "Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru" Crikvenica (Hrvatska), 4. i 5. studenoga 2014. Knjiga sažetaka. 2014

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Ugarković Marina ; Šegvić, Branimir


Tableware of the living or pots for the dead? An introduction to the 2nd and 1st c. BC greyware from the tombs of Issa (Eastearn Adriatic)

In line with the global technological advancement of Hellenistic époque in manufacturing of different clay ware, at certain point, during the advanced 2nd c. BC Issean pottery workshop(s) commenced with greyware production. Shortly after several shapes of greyware begin to appear in grave assemblages as documented from material remains of the late 2nd and 1st c. BC tombs provenancing from two Issean necropolis – Martvilo and Vlaška njiva. Morphological features of analysed greyware, and related contextual studies shed light on Issean Late Hellenistic greyware production and on the range of forms used in the mortuary practices of Issa. Preliminary archaeometric results showed the Issean greyware is dominated by Ca- illite matrix and natural inclusions of quartz and feldspars. Whole- rock geochemistry on a limited number of samples may suggest a locally produced ware subject to the further inquiry. At this point we raise an additional question – the greyware furnishing the Issean tombs was it used on the everyday basis or was it produced exclusively for the funeral context?

Issa; tombs of the 2nd and 1 st. c. BCE; grey-slipped pottery; archaeometry

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III. MEĐUNARODNI ARHEOLOŠKI KOLOKVIJ: „Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru, “ Crikvenica, 2014.



Crikvenica, Hrvatska

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