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Project Management in Transition Challenges of Four Central European R&D Institutions (CROSBI ID 620036)

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Jurić, Snježana ; Žarković, Neven Project Management in Transition Challenges of Four Central European R&D Institutions // Menadžment. Zaprešić: Veleučilište Baltazar Zaprešić, 2014. str. 80-89

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Jurić, Snježana ; Žarković, Neven


Project Management in Transition Challenges of Four Central European R&D Institutions

The main focus of this study is the comparison of four scientific institutions: FH Joanneum (Austria), Joanneum Research (JRG, Austria), the Ruđer Bošković Institute (IRB, Croatia), and the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS, Slovenia). The institutions share the same Central European geographic area localization and cultural heritage. They were founded in the same historical period, in the 1950s (all except FH Joanneum, which is contemporary) in response to the growing demand for R&D after World War II. The term ‘transition economy’ usually applies to countries that are changing from a centrally planned economy to a free market, i.e. from socialism to parliamentary democracy. IRB and IJS are still undergoing transitional processes from the socialismtype to the contemporary, public-type institutions, whereas the Austrian institutions could be observed from the aspect of adaptation to the European Union guidelines (since 1995). The comparison of the major project management features (main bodies, organization, intellectual and financial capital, strategy), has shown that JRG is a very stable company, with good project management practice and a high level of self-financing. FH Joanneum, being strategically more oriented towards the tertiary sector, shows a high level of adjustment to the new trends and demands discarding unsuccessful programmes rather quickly. IJS quickly moved towards applied research and knowledge transfer relying on high incomes from the private sector. Despite being the same size and having similar life pathway like IJS, IRB did not manage to adapt well to the new environment. This was partly due to its extensive and out of focus strategies and partly a result of extremely low financing from the public sector and almost non-existing financing from the private sector. Although it is difficult to foresee the attitudes of the world and European politics towards R&D, IRB will have to make a choice and strengthen its investment in fundamental science in order to gain regional excellence or move towards applied science and make better connections with industry.

applied research; project management; R&D; transitional processes

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Zaprešić: Veleučilište Baltazar Zaprešić


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Znanstveno - stručni skup s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 'Menadžment'



Zagreb / Zaprešić, Hrvatska

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