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Modulators of osteogenic, inflammatory and apoptotic response in vascular calcification (CROSBI ID 620951)

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Ćelić, Tanja ; Marić, Ivana ; Markić, Dean ; Španjol, Josip ; Gršković, Antun ; Bobinac, Dragica Modulators of osteogenic, inflammatory and apoptotic response in vascular calcification // 3rd International Congress of Croatian Association for Protection of non Ionizing Radiation : Abstract book. 2009. str. xx-xx

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Ćelić, Tanja ; Marić, Ivana ; Markić, Dean ; Španjol, Josip ; Gršković, Antun ; Bobinac, Dragica


Modulators of osteogenic, inflammatory and apoptotic response in vascular calcification

Vascular calcification is associated with older age, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. Recent studies show that bone formation proteins are involved in vascular calcification. This process is considered to be regulated similar as bone tissue mineralization. We demonstrated up regulation of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) and RANK ligand (RANKL) in calcified areas, both identified as favors of calcification. The inhibitor of calcification, osteoprotegerin (OPG) is present in non diseased arteries and decreased with calcification occurence. Our results also show increased expression of another postulated calcification inhibitor BMP-7 and osteopontin (OPN). OPN is negatively associated with decreasement of alfa SMA. Loss of alfa SMA is followed by osteogenic phenotype appearance in calcified vasculature.

bone morphogenetic proteins

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Podaci o skupu

International Congress of Croatian Association for Protection of non Ionizing Radiation (3 ; 2009)



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Temeljne medicinske znanosti, Kliničke medicinske znanosti