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The Epigraphic Heritage of the Renaissance Periodin Dubrovnik (15th Century) (CROSBI ID 53656)

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Galović, Tomislav The Epigraphic Heritage of the Renaissance Periodin Dubrovnik (15th Century) // Classical heritage from the epigraphic to the digital. Academia Ragusina 2009 & 2011 / Bratičević, Irena ; Radić, Teo (ur.). Zagreb: Ex libris, 2014. str. 67-101

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Galović, Tomislav


The Epigraphic Heritage of the Renaissance Periodin Dubrovnik (15th Century)

In this paper the author presented – on selected examples – Latin inscriptions from the Renaissance period as a part of Dubrovnik's rich historical heritage. The inscriptions are found on public buildings and religious objects. A highlight in the Dubrovnik area is found in the Franciscan monastery of Slano – an inscription carved in Gothic epigraphic letters. Its mixture of Gothic and Renaissance elements marks a crossroad of old traditions and new developments in monumental lettering. In the city of Dubrovnik itself there is an inscription on the south side of the portico of the Rector's Palace in praise of the god Aesculapius which was carved in humanistic capital letters. It reflects new intellectual currents of humanism which rely on the ancient tradition of Epidaurus as the predecessor of Dubrovnik where Asclepius (Eskulap) was born according to tradition. In the 1443-1444s the famous Italian humanist Ciriaco di Filippo de Pizzicolli d'Ancona (Kyriacus Anconitanus, 1391-1452), living in Dubrovnik, composed the inscriptions on the porch of the Rector's Palace and on the fountain leaving his humanistic „signature“ on the sculpture decoration of the Rector's Palace. The intention of this paper is to analyze the inscriptions, i.e. to make a transcription, to resolve the abbreviations, to contextualize them and, last, not least, to offer a translation.

epigraphy, Latin epigraphy, Renaissance, Cyriac of Ancona (1391-1452, Dubrovnik (Croatia)

The collection of conference papers Classical Heritage from the Epigraphic to the Digital: Academia Ragusina 2009&2011 includes papers from the 2009 and 2011 conferences taking place in Dubrovnik as part of the project supported by European federation of the national societies of classical philologists— Euroclassica.

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Podaci o knjizi

Bratičević, Irena ; Radić, Teo

Zagreb: Ex libris



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