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Cryoprotective effect of oat β-glucans on beef myofibrllar proteins (CROSBI ID 624823)

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Mastanjević, Krešimir ; Kovačević, Dragan ; Vidaković, Kristina Cryoprotective effect of oat β-glucans on beef myofibrllar proteins // Proceedings of 15th International scientific and professional conference 15th Ružička Days “Today science - tomorrow industry" / Šubarić, Drago (ur.). Osijek: Facuty of Food Technology Osijek, Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (HDKI), 2015. str. 260-267

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mastanjević, Krešimir ; Kovačević, Dragan ; Vidaković, Kristina


Cryoprotective effect of oat β-glucans on beef myofibrllar proteins

Cryoprotective effects of oats β-glucans on beef myofibrillar proteins after frozen storage were invesigated by the use of Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Also influence of frozen storage on texture profile analysis (TPA) parametrs, instrumental colour parameters and cooking loss of beef myofibrillar proteins were investigated. Beef myofibrillar proteins samples were prepared from beef meat (mainly lat. musculus psoas major), mixed with oat β-glucans (w = 0 - 6%), quickly frozen and stored for 30 days on -30 °C. Onset temperature of transition (To), peak thermal transition (Tp), and endset temperature of transition (Te), and denaturation enthalpy (ΔH), were evaluated. Peak (Tp) thermal transition temperatures of beef myofibrillar proteins showed shift to higher values with the increase of mass fraction of β-glucans. Denaturation enthalpies (ΔH) of beef myofibrillar proteins showed increase with increase of mass fraction of oat β-glucans. Instrumental colour parameters (Lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and whiteness (L* − 3b*) of beef myofibrillar proteins were significantly (P<0.05) affected by addition oat β- glucans. Hardness, gumminess and chewiness increased significantly (P<0.05) and cooking loss decreased significantly (P<0.05) by addition of oat β-glucans. Cohesiveness and springiness of beef myofibrillar gels were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by addition of oat β-glucans. Increase in peak thermal transition (Tp), denaturation enthalpies (ΔH), some TPA and instrumental colour parameters indicates possible cryostabilsation effect of oat β-glucans on beef myofibrillar proteins.

cryoprotection; beef myofibrillar proteins; DSC; β-glucans texture (TPA); instrumental colour (L*; a*; b*)

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Šubarić, Drago

Osijek: Facuty of Food Technology Osijek, Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (HDKI)


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Vukovar, Hrvatska

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