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A survey of different bioadsorbents for removal of malachite green and methylene blue dyes from aqueous solutions (CROSBI ID 625606)

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Natalija, Velić ; Tihana, Marček ; Tamara, Jurić ; Katarina, Petrinović ; Damir, Hasenay ; Lidija, Begović ; Vedran, Slačanac A survey of different bioadsorbents for removal of malachite green and methylene blue dyes from aqueous solutions // 15th Ružička days "Today science - tomorrow industry" Proceedings / Šubarić, Drago ; Jukić, Ante (ur.). (ur.). Osijek : Zagreb: J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, 2015. str. 424-432

Podaci o odgovornosti

Natalija, Velić ; Tihana, Marček ; Tamara, Jurić ; Katarina, Petrinović ; Damir, Hasenay ; Lidija, Begović ; Vedran, Slačanac


A survey of different bioadsorbents for removal of malachite green and methylene blue dyes from aqueous solutions

Synthetic dyes have wide application in many industries such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, textile, paper, leather, plastics etc. The presence of dyes in effluents (namely wastewater) of the above mentioned industries is a major concern due to their high thermal stability and photostability, i.e. their persistence in the environment for an extended period of time. Furthermore, they are recalcitrant towards removal during usually employed wastewater treatment methods. Many agricultural waste materials containing high proportion of cellulose have the ability to adsorb various dyes and represent a simple and low-cost method of coloured wastewater treatment. The aim of this study was to preliminary investigate different low-cost bioadsorbents for their potential to remove synthetic dyes malachite green (MG) and methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions. Six lignocellulosic waste materials, beech sawdust (Fagus sylvatica L.), oak sawdust (Quercus robur L.), poplar sawdust (Populus alba L.), sugar beet waste, apple pomace and spent beer grains were tested for their ability to remove MG and MB from 15 mg L-1 aqueous dye solutions at constant temperature of 25 °C. Activated carbon served as control. Adsorbents were soaked in dye solutions for 5 hours and samples were taken at 30 min intervals for spectrophotometric determination of colour removal. All tested adsorbents showed high colour removal capacity at 5 hours contact time for both used dyes (90.74 – 98.06 % and 94.26 – 100 % for MG and MB, respectively). The results indicate that used bioadsorbents demonstrated the potential to be used as adsorbents for efficient remediation of coloured wastewater.

malachite green ; methylene blue ; bioadsorbent ; dye removal

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Šubarić, Drago ; Jukić, Ante (ur.).

Osijek : Zagreb: J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers


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Vukovar, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Biologija, Biotehnologija, Kemija, Kemijsko inženjerstvo, Prehrambena tehnologija