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The occurrence of zonal quartz crystals in the insoluble residue of carbonate sandstone from Istrian flysch(Croatia) (CROSBI ID 483104)

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Bergant, Stanislav ; Koch, Georg ; Šparica, Marko The occurrence of zonal quartz crystals in the insoluble residue of carbonate sandstone from Istrian flysch(Croatia) // Knjiga povzetkov / Book of abstracts / Horvat, A. ; Košir, A. ; Vreča, P. et al. (ur.). Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije, 2002. str. 6-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Bergant, Stanislav ; Koch, Georg ; Šparica, Marko


The occurrence of zonal quartz crystals in the insoluble residue of carbonate sandstone from Istrian flysch(Croatia)

The modal composition of insoluble residue of carbonate sandstones from the region to the north of the Mirna River consists among other minerals, alotriomorphic quartz grains characterized by uniform and less frequently undulate extinction. In contrast, the insoluble residue of sandstones south of the Mirna River in the vicinity of the town Motovun, contains idiomorphic and hypidiomorphic quartz crystals with typical zonal growth similar to the autigenetic quartz crystals that formed during early-diagenetic silicification of micrite in Albian quartz sediments (so-called quartz sands). This indicates that it was possible that the weathering of Lower Cretaceous (Albian) deposits contributed to the composition of turbidite deep water sandstones.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Horvat, A. ; Košir, A. ; Vreča, P. ; Brenčič, M.

Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije

Podaci o skupu

1. Slovenski Geološki kongres



Črna na Koroškem, Slovenija

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