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Overview of the Development of Cultural Tourism in Croatia (CROSBI ID 630055)

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Demonja, Damir Overview of the Development of Cultural Tourism in Croatia // Proceedings of the International Conference “Humanities and social sciences today. Classical and contemporary issues”: Economics / Alina-Petronela Haller, Medea Galea (ur.). Bukurešt: Pro Universitaria, 2015. str. 81-90

Podaci o odgovornosti

Demonja, Damir


Overview of the Development of Cultural Tourism in Croatia

This paper presents overview on cultural tourism in Croatia from 2003 to the present days. In this period of time the Development Strategy of Cultural Tourism in Croatia has been created, accepted and implemented, as well as the new Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2020 was adopted and the overview of both of the strategies is given. The role and the results of the ministries and other state institutions involved in the implementation of the Development Strategy of Cultural Tourism strategic priorities are shown. Then the research results of visitors’ attitudes and consumption on the attractions and cultural events in Croatia are presented, and problems, current conditions and directions for future development of cultural tourism in Croatia are listed.

Croatia; cultural tourism; strategies; problems; current conditions; prospects

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Alina-Petronela Haller, Medea Galea

Bukurešt: Pro Universitaria


Podaci o skupu

International Conference „Humanities and Social Sciences Today. Classical and Contemporary Issues“



Iaşi, Rumunjska

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija