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Ston area matrix in time-landscpe continuum (CROSBI ID 630415)

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Begović, Vlasta ; Pavlović, Roberta ; Tutek, Ivana Ston area matrix in time-landscpe continuum // Arts, performing arts, architecture and design, conference proceedings. Albena, 2014. str. 971-978

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Begović, Vlasta ; Pavlović, Roberta ; Tutek, Ivana


Ston area matrix in time-landscpe continuum

Understanding the geneis of urban landscape defined by fields/urban matix, lines and points in time continuum is crucial as a pre-method for composing new structures concerning their position, form and purpose. Ston urban landscape has been formed spontaneously and by planning throughout a long period of time. It developed into an organised whole of landscpe and its structures. That harmonious unity is in constant change. Such time-spatial dynamics ought to be accepted as a precondition for a contemporary desicgn, so transformations of landscape, spatial interrealtions as well as relations towards physical geography have been percieved and analysed.

Ston; matrix; heritage; landscape; continuum

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International multidiscipliary scientific conferences on social sciences and arts, SGEM conference on Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture and Design



Albena, Bugarska

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