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Rogoznica Lake (Croatia), a Unique Euxinic Seawater System on the Adriatic Coast (CROSBI ID 630628)

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Ciglenečki, Irena ; Bura-Nakić, Elvira ; Marguš, Marija ; Burić, Zrinka ; Carić, Marina ; Batistić, Mirna ; Čanković, Milan ; Janeković, Ivica ; Viličić, Damir Rogoznica Lake (Croatia), a Unique Euxinic Seawater System on the Adriatic Coast // Acta geologica Sinica (English Edition). 2014. str. 205-207 doi: 10.1111/1755-6724.12269_4

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Ciglenečki, Irena ; Bura-Nakić, Elvira ; Marguš, Marija ; Burić, Zrinka ; Carić, Marina ; Batistić, Mirna ; Čanković, Milan ; Janeković, Ivica ; Viličić, Damir


Rogoznica Lake (Croatia), a Unique Euxinic Seawater System on the Adriatic Coast

The characteristics outlines above (a well- studied hydrography-since 1994 ; a stable and constant oxic/anoxic interface ; and a stratified system that has persisted long enough to produce steady-state conditions relative to alkalinity and sulfide concentrations) make Rogoznica lake ideal sites to examine the processes that control the biogeochemistry of anoxic environments. The small size and physically stable nature of the lake allows researchers to examine small scale spatial and temporal variability as well as longer term processes. All our data show how particular sequences of meteorological events, some of which can be regarded as extreme, have affected the internal processes in the Lake. An integration of all results (since 1994 up to now) reveals an interesting possibility that this environment may well potentially serve as valuable sentinels of climate change

Rogoznica Lake ; euxinia ; sulfur species ; nutrients ; eutrophication ; water layer mixing ; diatoms ; Acartia italic ; anoxygenic phototrophes

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International Conference on Salt Lake Research (12 ; 2014)



Peking, Kina

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