Correlation and path coefficient analysis for protein yield in confectionary sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (CROSBI ID 225614)
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Hladni, Nada ; Jocić, Siniša ; Mijić, Anto ; Miklič, Vladimir ; Miladinović, Dragana
Correlation and path coefficient analysis for protein yield in confectionary sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
The most important criteria for introducing new confectionary hybrids into the production is high protein yield. Path coefficient analysis was used to obtain information on direct and indirect effects of studied traits (seed oil content, kernel oil content, seed yield, kernel protein content, mass of 1000 seeds, kernel ratio and hull ratio) on protein yield. The research was conducted during three vegetation seasons, on 22 experimental confectionary sunflower hybrids created in the breeding program at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. Strong and very strong correlations were found among the largest number of examined traits. A weak negative interdependence was determined between kernel oil content, kernel protein content, mass of 1000 seeds, hull ratio, and protein yield using the analysis of simple correlation coefficients. Positive but weak correlation was determined between protein yield and seed oil content, and kernel ratio. Very strong positive correlation was determined between protein yield and seed yield (0.468**). The seed oil content had a very strong direct negative effect on protein yield (DE=-0.734**). The mass of 1000 seeds had a weak negative direct effect on protein yield. Kernel protein content and kernel oil content demonstrated a weak direct positive effect on protein yield. Path coefficient analysis of protein yield showed a very strong positive direct effect of kernel ratio (DE=1.340**), seed yield (DE=0.657**) and hull ratio (DE=0.992*). These findings confirm the effect of seed yield, kernel ratio, and hull ratio on protein yield, and their importance as the selection criteria in confectionary sunflower breeding.
confectionary sunflower; correlations; path coefficient analysis; protein yield; yield components
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