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Elimination of hepatitis C, dream or reality? (CROSBI ID 634126)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Vince, Adriana Elimination of hepatitis C, dream or reality? // 1st Croatian Congress on Travel, Tropical, Migration Medicine & HIV with International Participation - Book of Abstract. 2015

Podaci o odgovornosti

Vince, Adriana


Elimination of hepatitis C, dream or reality?

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the main causes of chronic liver disease worldwide. The number of chronically infected persons worldwide is estimated to be about 150 million. About 5-15% of all people living with HIV are coinfected with HCV.The long-term HCV infection can lead to extensive fibrosis and cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It is estimated that about 500, 000 deaths per year are attributed to HCV globally. However, it is estimated that the majority of persons living with HCV are unaware of their infection. The long awaited all-oral therapy for hepatitis C virus infection has arrived by the registration of the hepatitis C nucleotide inhibitor sofosbuvir in a combination of the NS5A inhibitor ledipasvir or NS5B inhibitor daclatasvir ; the protease inhibitor simeprevir, and the 3D regimen based on the ritonavir boosted protease inhibitor paritaprevir ; the NS5A inhibitor ombitasvir, and the non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitor dasabuvir. Novel regimens for hepatitis C virus (HCV) have shorter treatment durations and increased rates of sustained viral response, less side-effects compared to standard therapies with pegylated interpheron-alfa and ribavirin. By achieving the cure rates of over 90% for people with chronic HCV infections, the new therapies have the potential to change the course of the HCV pandemic. If these treatments can be widely used, in combination with effective HCV prevention interventions, the elimination of HCV as a public health concern can be a realistic goal. Therefore the World Health Organization is developing the first global strategy for adressing the viral hepatitis pandemics. The global targets regarding HCV infections include 70% reduction in HCV incidence by 2030 compared to 2010 and 60% reduction in HCV-related deaths by 2030 compared with 2010, 90% people diagnosed and 90% of eligible people treated and cured by 2030. The WHO strategy is calling all countries to develop and implement their national strategies for preventing, diagnosing and treating viral hepatitis based on local epidemiological context, in order to eliminate hepatitis C by year 2030.

Hepatitis E; elimination

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Podaci o skupu

1st Croatian Congress on Travel, Tropical, Migration Medicine & HIV with international participation



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti