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Bioterrorism provokes a potent stress and consequent alterations of immune reactivity (CROSBI ID 483412)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad

Dekaris, Dragan ; Sabioncello, Ante ; Rabatić, Sabina Bioterrorism provokes a potent stress and consequent alterations of immune reactivity // Proceedings of the Medical Panel (IAMP) Conference / de Thé, Guy B. ; Challoner, D. ; Auquier, Louis (ur.). Pariz: Elsevier, 2002. str. 45-49-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Dekaris, Dragan ; Sabioncello, Ante ; Rabatić, Sabina


Bioterrorism provokes a potent stress and consequent alterations of immune reactivity

Bioterrorism generates stress in directly affected people, in exposed but unaffected people, and in general population. Stress consequences include changes in neuroendocrine and immune system. Disturbed immunity makes population more sensitive to microorganisms used as biological weapons. Considering the impact and peril of bioterrorism, one should take into account the stress induced changes in the immune reactivity as an additional menace that affects people at all levels of involvement, even including those only threatened by a potential terrorist attack.

stress; bioterrorism; PTSD; immune reactivity; proinflammatory cytokines

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

de Thé, Guy B. ; Challoner, D. ; Auquier, Louis

Pariz: Elsevier

Podaci o skupu

Confronting infections, antibiotic resistance and bioterrorism around the world The role of Academies of Medicine



Pariz, Francuska

Povezanost rada

Temeljne medicinske znanosti, Kliničke medicinske znanosti