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Chiral Induction of Novel Ferrocene-Phosphine Ligands in Enantioselective Hydrogenation (CROSBI ID 637484)

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Kokan, Zoran ; Opačak, Saša ; Kirin, Srećko I. Chiral Induction of Novel Ferrocene-Phosphine Ligands in Enantioselective Hydrogenation // Conference Abstract Book, p. 152.. 2016. str. 152-152

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Kokan, Zoran ; Opačak, Saša ; Kirin, Srećko I.


Chiral Induction of Novel Ferrocene-Phosphine Ligands in Enantioselective Hydrogenation

Ferrocene derived phosphine ligands have been extensively studied in catalysis with emphasis on asymmetric synthesis. They represent a convenient blend of the high catalytic activities of metal complexes bearing phosphine ligands and structural diversity owing to the properties and commercial availability of different ferrocene scaffolds. For several years, we have been studying the catalytic performances of phosphine-transition metal complexes with distant chiral information source incorporating simple building-blocks such as chiral amino acids or amines. Herein, we discuss the synthesis and characterization of novel chiral ferrocene derived phosphine ligands, and evaluation of their rhodium complexes in catalytic enantioselective hydrogenation reaction. Preliminary results showed a promising selectivity in catalysis (e.g. 87 % ee, up to now).

enantioselective catalysis ; phosphine-transition metal complexes ; amino acids

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7th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis 2016 (GCC-2016)



Goyang-si, Republika Koreja

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