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Internet and World Wide Web: Searching the Information on the Internet (Tutorial) (CROSBI ID 484526)

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Težak, Đurđica Internet and World Wide Web: Searching the Information on the Internet (Tutorial) // Sixth International Conference "Information Technology and Journalism" / Prelog, Nenad (ur.). Zagreb: IUC Dubrovnik, 2001. str. http://www.foi.h-x

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Težak, Đurđica


Internet and World Wide Web: Searching the Information on the Internet (Tutorial)

A tutorial in the Croatian language on searching the information on the Internet is now in editing process, and will be published soon as a university textbook including practical exercises. The most important portals, databases, search engines, and the virtual libraries will be represented to the users. Besides, a number of URLs, especially the newest ones, are included. Afterwards, a new edition of the tutorial will be accessed digitally (Web and CD-ROM) to enable the distance learning. The parts of a tutorial are as follows: (I) INTRODUCTION: Can we believe to Web? What are we really searching? The evaluation, the citation of the Web information sources, as well as the explanation of the Net, Web sites, Web pages and the related issues is given. (II) EXERCISES: Sixteen chapters include explanations and the related practical Internet searching: 1. Internet, Web-site, Web address, and link, E-mail World Wide Web - a world of the hypertext files connected with the specified formats and protocols. Virtual databases hybrid libraries. Navigation tools and the links. 2. Web search engines: What are the search engines, the directories, and what they are doing? What are meta-search engines? We are searching the intermediary "search tools" with hypertext links to the other Web-sites. 3. Croatian search engines: Examples: CROSS,, VIDI, and others. 4. CARNet: The goals of creating CARNet 1991 were to build and develop the first Croatian Net for the formation and development of the information resources in the field of education and science. 5. Croatian databases: Special, patent, statistical, corporate, pharmaceutical databases. 6. Databases in Croatia and all-round the world: System of the Scientific Information of the R. Croatia, Croatian Scientific Bibliography, ISI Current Contents. 7. Virtual library: "A library without walls": Institute of Scientific Information, Chemical Abstracts Service, The Scientific & Technical Information Network. For users virtual library appears as a portal with link to the related OPAC. The journals on the Web: link categories "HOT" and/or "HIGHLIGHTS" enable the access to the full text articles. Such a text from databases is not available for search engines. Patents on the Web can be found via hosts. 8. Digital library: Digital library could be virtual or not. ISI Current Contents' 31 database, and 8 citation indices in science, art and humanities are available as well. New ISI Web of Science (WoS) is the most complex database. 9. Digital bookstore: A number of institutions introduced a digital communication. An example: Amazon. 10. Croatian Chemical Society, Croatica Chemica Acta ; Central Chemical Library. 11. World Chemical Club (ChemWeb) including ChemDex, The Chemistry Preprint Server and The Alchemist. Important portal. Virtual library including 220 leading world journals, and accessed to 25 databases. 12. European Libraries on the Web: Online Public Access Catalogues (OPAC). 13. Publishers on the Internet: A number of new editions (particularly journals) are available in the print and/or electronic format. 14. Useful Web addresses: Portal of the Smithsonian Institution enables the access to the world largest digital museum. 15. How to find the article?: Founding the articles in the primary journals on the Web. 16. A future development of the Internet: The virtual library "Project Gutenberg", and the projects DESIRE and RENARDUS are described. The goals are to create on the Internet European integrated infrastructure for the access of scientific information, with the programs of evaluation and selection of the information for help to search engines in the information retrieval.

Internet; libraries; Searching the information

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Prelog, Nenad

Zagreb: IUC Dubrovnik

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Sixth International Conference "Information Technology and Journalism"



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti
