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Croatian Air Traffic Market in Light of Actual Economic Integration Processes (CROSBI ID 58598)

Prilog u knjizi | ostalo

Mišetić, Ivica ; Malović-Beganović, Ivana Croatian Air Traffic Market in Light of Actual Economic Integration Processes // Economic Integrations, Competition and Cooperation 50 Years of European Union / Kandžija, Vinko ; Kumar, Andrej (ur.). Rijeka: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2008. str. 312-323

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mišetić, Ivica ; Malović-Beganović, Ivana


Croatian Air Traffic Market in Light of Actual Economic Integration Processes

Existing processes related to Croatian candidature for entering European Union imply a lot of changes on Croatian air traffic market. “Open Sky” policy directly means introduction and implementation of many preparatory mechanisms, as well as significant performance indicators improvement i.e. total productivity. The positive and negative experiences related to “Open Sky” policy between US and European carriers will also be analyzed. As a key element of economy, air traffic represents integral part of numerous preparatory activities, which will have to efficiently adjust to new circumstances and rules of increased competition environment. Particular issue represents application of air traffic freedoms and the right of cabotage, since Croatia is one of the rare countries in the region which in practice operates domestic air traffic. Through implementation of air traffic freedoms it is crucial to have on-time performance which will further influence position of the company on Croatian and regional markets. Positioning and adjusting the business model for efficient practice on the market represents the key question of survival in the new circumstances.

open skies ; air traffic trends ; competition ; total factor productivity ; forecasts ; business model optimization

international peer-review, published, scientific

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Podaci o knjizi

Kandžija, Vinko ; Kumar, Andrej

Rijeka: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci



Povezanost rada

Tehnologija prometa i transport, Ekonomija