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Multilingualism, Power and Identity in 19th Century Croatia (CROSBI ID 58712)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Sočanac, Lelija Multilingualism, Power and Identity in 19th Century Croatia // Glottogenesis and Language Conflicts in Europe / Ureland, Sture ; Sočanac, Lelija (ur.). Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2017. str. 69-91

Podaci o odgovornosti

Sočanac, Lelija


Multilingualism, Power and Identity in 19th Century Croatia

The paper discusses the discursive construction of collective identity in Croatia in the second half of the 19th century. The analysis is based on primary normative sources and on a corpus of Croatian newspapers published in the period, focusing on language debates as expressions of power struggles in different Croatian regions. The author explores how the status of languages interacted with different group identities and how these identities were produced by the ideological working of discourse.

multilingualism, power, identity, Croatia

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Podaci o knjizi

Ureland, Sture ; Sočanac, Lelija

Berlin: Logos Verlag



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