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Convergence studies for 3D smooth frictional contact elements based on the quartic Bézier surfaces (CROSBI ID 484702)

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Krstulović-Opara, Lovre ; Wriggers, Peter Convergence studies for 3D smooth frictional contact elements based on the quartic Bézier surfaces // Proceedings of the 3rd Contact Mechanics International Symposium / Martins, J.A.C. ; Monteiro Marques, Manuel D.P. (ur.). Berlin: Springer, 2002. str. 371-378

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Krstulović-Opara, Lovre ; Wriggers, Peter


Convergence studies for 3D smooth frictional contact elements based on the quartic Bézier surfaces

A 3D smooth triangular frictional node to surface contact element is developed using an abstract symbolical programming approach. Such an element is used in combination with tetrahedral continuum elements suitable for the automatic mesh generation. The C1-continuous smooth contact surface description is based on the six quartic Bézier surfaces. The approach is based on the elastic-plastic tangential slip vector decomposition, non-associated frictional law, penalty method and weak formulation. The presented convergence studies provide information about the benefit of using the smooth contact approach.

Frictional contact; Smooth; Bezier

Solid Mechanics and Its Applications ; Vol. 103

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Martins, J.A.C. ; Monteiro Marques, Manuel D.P.

Berlin: Springer



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