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ST segment depression in electrocardiogram and mortality in population - A Prospective Croatian Study (CROSBI ID 484926)

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Čorović, Naima ; Duraković, Zijad ST segment depression in electrocardiogram and mortality in population - A Prospective Croatian Study // 8th Symposium on intensive care medicine, Neurologia Croatica 50, Suppl. 3. Zagreb: Croatian neurological society, Croatian society of intensive care medicine, 2001. str. 265-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Čorović, Naima ; Duraković, Zijad


ST segment depression in electrocardiogram and mortality in population - A Prospective Croatian Study

The study comprised 2414 so called healthy subjects of both sexes, 1326 females and 1088 males, from six Croatian regions, three from the coast and three from interior, each 200t person chosen at random from the population register, on three occasions during a 13-year period , 1069, 1972 and 1982, aged 35-54 at the first examination.The ST-segment changes in the ECG, more than 1mm, 0.5-0.9mm, and up to 0.5mm, were codedby the Minnesota code. ST-segment depression was found during the first examination in 10.69% of females and 4.13%of males, during the second examination in 12.66% of females and 6.29% of males, and in the third examination in19.09% of females and 12.12% of males. ST-segment depression of up to 0.5mm was dominant and twice as frequent in female than in males, and the difference was significant. ST-segment in the ECG was also analysed in a sample of 239 persons, 141 males and 98 females who died during the period between the second and the third examination, and in whom ECG was recorded in 1969 and 1972. In the group of females who died during the period between the first and the second examination, 16.32% had all degrees of ST-segment depression, while in the group of survived females this amounted to 10.6%. In the group of deceades males this finding was observed in 4.24% of the deceades and 4.13% of survived males. In the group of females who died between the second and the third examination, ST-segment depression was found in 18.36% of the deceades, and 12.66% of survived females, and in 10.62% of deceades males and 6.24 of survived males (depression of 1mm or more and 0.5-0.9mm was found in 7.08% of the deceades and 1.28% of survived males). The relative risk (odd ratio) of mortality in middle aged females with ST-segment depression of 0.5mm or more was 3.65 times higher than in females without such ECG changes, while the relative risk of mortality in males of the same age with the same finding was 5.85 times higher than in those without such ECG changes.

ST segment; ECG; Population; Mortality; Prospective study

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Zagreb: Croatian neurological society, Croatian society of intensive care medicine

Podaci o skupu

8th Symposium on intensive care medicine, Brijuni 2001



Brijuni, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Farmacija, Kliničke medicinske znanosti