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Landslide hazard and risk assessment in Istria, Croatia (CROSBI ID 653262)

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Dugonjić Jovančević, Sanja ; Arbanas, Željko ; Vivoda, Martina ; Peranić, Josip ; Đomlija, Petra Landslide hazard and risk assessment in Istria, Croatia // Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region / Abolmasov, B. ; Marjanović, M. ; Đurić, U. (ur.). Beograd: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2017. str. 117-121

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Dugonjić Jovančević, Sanja ; Arbanas, Željko ; Vivoda, Martina ; Peranić, Josip ; Đomlija, Petra


Landslide hazard and risk assessment in Istria, Croatia

Paper presents landslide hazard and risk assessment in the central part of Istrian Peninsula, Croatia. Investigation area is formed in Paleogene flysch deposits with expressed frequent instability phenomena followed by damages on local roads, buildings and other facilities, fortunately without casualties. Considering available data about landslide occurrences in the past, as well as results of preliminary analyses of sliding mechanism conditions and triggering factors, deterministic approach was used to analyze landslide hazard using 3D simulation model. High landslide susceptibility was identified in the north-eastern part of the investigated area, on the contact of flysch and limestone rock mass complex. Furthermore, a coarse qualitative landslide risk analysis was performed. Elements at risk (assets) in the investigation area include roads, smal road viaducts, residential houses and farm facilities, cultivated areas, protected forests and crude construction areas, as well as human lives and socio- economic activities. Analyzed area was divided in 20 hazard zones which were individually analyzed regarding landslide risks, considering probability of hazardous event, vulnerability of elements at risk and temporal exposure to landslide hazard. Single asset method was used in the vulnerability analysis where damage or loss for every element at risk were determined individually, paying attention on the elements inside or near the landslide hazard zones and landslides. Total risk was categorized into five levels: very low, low, medium, high and very high.

landslide, hazard, risk, flysch

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Abolmasov, B. ; Marjanović, M. ; Đurić, U.

Beograd: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology


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Geologija, Građevinarstvo