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The Anthropology of Animals – Paradox and/or Necessity (CROSBI ID 60499)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Marjanić, Suzana The Anthropology of Animals – Paradox and/or Necessity // What to Do with Folklore? New Perspectives on Folklore Research / Golež Kaučić, Marjetka (ur.). Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2017. str. 123-129

Podaci o odgovornosti

Marjanić, Suzana


The Anthropology of Animals – Paradox and/or Necessity

Critical animal studies are struggling against mainstream animal studies, which have enclosed themselves in the catacombs of academic discourse. In so doing, critical animal studies seek to break down and mediate oppositions between theory and practice (Best 2009:12). In short, for animal studies, according to Steven Best, animals are merely an interesting theme of research and a form of academic capital. And while the rat for the majority of veterinarians means only an object in which one can inject chemicals, on the basis of whose death they can write a scientific article, for animal studies the animal means only an object, a sign, a reference, a historical abstraction that one can "reify and allegorize in order to produce a book, article, or conference paper" (Best 2009:21).

critical animal studies, animal studies, anthropology of animals

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Podaci o knjizi

Golež Kaučić, Marjetka

Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag



Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija