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The comparative study of pH and electrical conductivity in aqueous suspensions of clinoptilolite tuffs (CROSBI ID 485627)

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Perić, Jelena ; Trgo, Marina ; Vukojević Medvidović, Nediljka ; Margeta, Karmen The comparative study of pH and electrical conductivity in aqueous suspensions of clinoptilolite tuffs // 6th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites : abstracts / Misaelides, P. (ur.). Solun: International Committee on Natural Zeolites, 2002. str. 281-282

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Perić, Jelena ; Trgo, Marina ; Vukojević Medvidović, Nediljka ; Margeta, Karmen


The comparative study of pH and electrical conductivity in aqueous suspensions of clinoptilolite tuffs

A chemical behaviour in aqueous solutions of natural zeolitic material originated from three different deposites, with different content of major mineralogical component-clinoptilolite was examined. Examinations were performed trough monitoring of pH and electrical conductivity suspensions of natural zeolite - doubly distilled water. The results obtained during monitoring observed a nonstoichiometry between species included in ion exchange process, as well as amphoteric character of zeolitic tuff in suspensions with different initial pH values and tendency of neutralisation from initial solutions.

clinoptilolite; pH-monitoring; hydrolysis

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Misaelides, P.

Solun: International Committee on Natural Zeolites

Podaci o skupu

International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites (6 ; 2002)



Solun, Grčka

Povezanost rada

Kemijsko inženjerstvo