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Effect of potato aging on texture and color of minimally processed potatoes packaged in modified atmosphere (CROSBI ID 665478)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Dite, Draženka ; Pranjić, Tanja ; Repajić, Maja ; Karlović, Sven ; Ščetar, Mario ; Galić, Kata ; Levaj, Branka Effect of potato aging on texture and color of minimally processed potatoes packaged in modified atmosphere // Book of Abstracts / Pittia, Paola ; Silva, Cristina L.M. ; Scleining, Gerhard (ur.). Stuttgart: ISEKI Food Association, Vienna, 2018. str. 315-315

Podaci o odgovornosti

Dite, Draženka ; Pranjić, Tanja ; Repajić, Maja ; Karlović, Sven ; Ščetar, Mario ; Galić, Kata ; Levaj, Branka


Effect of potato aging on texture and color of minimally processed potatoes packaged in modified atmosphere

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of potato tuber five months storage at 8 oC on the texture and colour of minimally processed potatoes (MPP) packaged in modified atmosphere (MAP). Potato tubers variety Lady Clair to produce MPP during the first and the fifth months of storage were used. In both periods, MPP were produced in the same way (sllced and soaked in NaCl solution) and were packaged in modified atmosphere (MAP). Gas composition of MAP was 10% CO2, 3% O2 and 87% N2. MPP in polymeric bi-layer pouches composed of polyamide (PA) and polyethylene (PE) with a thickness of 90 µm was packaged. MPP were stored 8 days at 8 oC and on the 2nd, 4th and 8th day analysis were done. Hand-held gas analyser OXYBABY was used to measure the O2 and CO2 contents in the packages. During the storage of the MPP, texture parameters were measured by texture analyser and Lab colour parameters were measured by Konika-Minolta colorimeter. Gas composition in packages was changed on different pattern depending on potato age. Further, the level of O2 was constantly below 1 % with increasing trend after the 1st period and decreasing trend after the 2nd period of tuber storage. The level of CO2 showed opposite trend and was between 6.60 and 15.25 %. Aging of potato tubers increased values of all texture parameters of MPP in MAP (hardness, elasticity and toughness) but decreased values of colour parameters (L - lightness, C - chroma and h - hue values). Also decreasing trend of colour parameters during both storage time of MPP was observed.

potato aging, minimally processed potato, texture, colour

This research was financially supported by the Croatian Science Foundation

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Pittia, Paola ; Silva, Cristina L.M. ; Scleining, Gerhard

Stuttgart: ISEKI Food Association, Vienna


Podaci o skupu

5th International ISEKI_Food Conference



Stuttgart, Njemačka

Povezanost rada

Prehrambena tehnologija