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Toponymic and anthroponymic reflections of ethnonyms in Croatia (CROSBI ID 486220)

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Brozović Rončević, Dunja Toponymic and anthroponymic reflections of ethnonyms in Croatia // Actas do XX. Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Onomásticas / Boullón Agrelo, Ana Isabel (ur.). Santiago de Compostela, 2002. str. 129-142

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Brozović Rončević, Dunja


Toponymic and anthroponymic reflections of ethnonyms in Croatia

The study of ethnonymy is of the greatest importance for cultural history and history in general. The aim of this paper is to single out a segment of this history which can be reconstructed from toponymic and anthroponymic reflections of ethnonyms, taking into account both clan names and those which have grown into national names at a certain stage of historical development. Since it is impossible in this short presentation to discuss systematically reflections of all ethnonyms which have been recorded on Croatian territory, I shall single out only a few of the most important and give typical examples of their onomastic reflections as expressions of a specific culture in this part of southeastern Europe. The etymologies of individual ethnonyms are not individually discussed, although they can often provide the key to the ethnogenesis of a clan or a nation.

ethnonyms ; anthroponyms ; place-names ; Croatia

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Boullón Agrelo, Ana Isabel

Santiago de Compostela:


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