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Influence of dietary microalgae addition in hens on lipid oxidation in yolk (CROSBI ID 668682)

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Kralik, Zlata ; Kralik, Gordana ; Grčević, Manuela ; Hanžek, Danica Influence of dietary microalgae addition in hens on lipid oxidation in yolk // Proceedings of 18th International Symposium “Feed Technology” / Kokić, Bojana (ur.). Novi Sad: Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu, 2018. str. 32-36

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kralik, Zlata ; Kralik, Gordana ; Grčević, Manuela ; Hanžek, Danica


Influence of dietary microalgae addition in hens on lipid oxidation in yolk

The aim of the paper was to determine the influence of the addition of different levels of microalgae (Schyzochytrium limacinum) from Alltech® company to hens’ feed at the intensity of lipid oxidation in egg yolks. The research was conducted on 120 hens of light breed Tetra SL. The trial period lasted for three weeks, and the hens were in age from 42 to 45 weeks. Hens were randomly divided into three experimental groups, which were fed with specially prepared mixtures according to the following formula: A=2% soybean oil (SO) + 1.2% rapeseed oil (RO) + 1.3% linseed oil (LO) + 0.5% microalgae ; B=1.5% SO + 1.2% RO + 1.3% LO + 1.0% microalgae and C=1.0% SO + 1.2% RO + 1.3% LO + 1.5% microalgae.Analysis of the results showed that the addition of higher proportion of microalgae in hens’ feed affects the increase of total omega-3 fatty acid content in 100 g of egg (A=321, 07 mg ; B=361, 60 mg and C=399, 34 mg ; P<0, 05). Increasing the omega-3 fatty acid content in eggs does not have a statistically significant effect (P>0.05) on lipid oxidation in yolks of tested groups in fresh (A=1, 273 µg MDA/g ; B=1, 424 µg MDA/g ; C=1, 545 µg MDA/g) as well as in stored eggs (A=1, 330 µg MDA/g ; B=1, 523 µg MDA/g ; C=1, 587 µg MDA/g).

eggs ; microalgae ; lipid oxidation ; omega-3 PUFA

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kokić, Bojana

Novi Sad: Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu


Podaci o skupu

18th International Symposium Feed Technology



Novi Sad, Srbija

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)