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Scientific input for environmental management of coastal areas: The case of the Adriatic Sea (CROSBI ID 486376)

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Juračić, Mladen ; Pravdić, Velimir Scientific input for environmental management of coastal areas: The case of the Adriatic Sea // EMECS 2001 – Abstracts / EMECS Executive Committee (ur.). Kobe: International EMECS Center, Kobe, 2001. str. 43-43-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Juračić, Mladen ; Pravdić, Velimir


Scientific input for environmental management of coastal areas: The case of the Adriatic Sea

Environmental management is the final implementation procedure for the rational use and protection of coastal areas, particularly in enclosed or semienclosed seas. The succes of management depends primarily on the nature and the quality of scientific data. The new threat to the enclosed Rijeka Bay ecosystem (Northern Adriatic Sea) is a potential change of the oil import to the export one, with possible release of ballast waters within the Bay.

environmental management; coastal areas; Rijeka Bay

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

EMECS Executive Committee

Kobe: International EMECS Center, Kobe

Podaci o skupu

The 5th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas. EMECS 2001



Kobe, Japan

Povezanost rada
