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The system of production planning in various information systems of production companies (CROSBI ID 465534)

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Lujić, Roberto ; Šimunović, Goran ; Matičević, Gordana The system of production planning in various information systems of production companies // CIM '97 / Cebalo, Roko (ur.). Opatija: Croation Association of Production Engineering, 1997. str. E105-E111-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Lujić, Roberto ; Šimunović, Goran ; Matičević, Gordana


The system of production planning in various information systems of production companies

The paper is concerned with the requirements for production planning and control in various types of production companies: batch, small-scale and single product manufacturing. It also analyses the requirements for various manufacturing processes in metal processing, electrical, timber and wood, food processing and agricultural industries. The right place has been found for the planning system within the company’s information system. The experience is presented which has been gained from working with the system UPROB, developed at the Faculty of mechanical engineering in Slavonski Brod.

planning; planning information system

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Cebalo, Roko

Opatija: Croation Association of Production Engineering

Podaci o skupu

CIM '97



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
