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Sustainable Development and Freshwater Resources at the Island of Krk (CROSBI ID 486770)

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Plišić, Ivica ; Benac, Čedomir Sustainable Development and Freshwater Resources at the Island of Krk // Proceedings of the VII International symposium on water management and hydraulic engineering / Bednarczyk, S ; Szymkiewicz, R ; Suligowski, Z. (ur.). Gdanjsk: Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering, 2001. str. 149-155-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Plišić, Ivica ; Benac, Čedomir


Sustainable Development and Freshwater Resources at the Island of Krk

Development of the Krk Island (channel part of the Adriatic Sea) so far has managed to perserve the major part of the area in its natural condition. Major damages were sustained only in the northern part of the island where industrial facilities were built. Island of Krk is situated along a favourable geographical and traffic direction, so future period foresees development and construction of additional industrial fasilites and tourist capacities. This will inevitably cause the increase in population and number of consumers . This work analyzes water supply in given conditions, as well as the relation between the existing reserves and required potable water quantities. The Cretaceous and Paleogene carbonate rocks (limestones, intercalated limestones and dolomites and breccias) dominate in the terrestrial part of the island of Krk, whereas Paleogene flysch is limited.The carbonate rocks are karstificated -70 m below the recent sea level and have good permeability. For this reason, carbonate rocks, contain the major part of underground water. Flysch rocks are impermeable and have a role of hydrogeologic barriers.Regarding the fact the tectonic structures were not completely investigated, the spreading of aquifers and total groundwatter reserve are not entirely known.Because of well degree of permeability, groundwater protection on the karstic area is difficult.Another problem is possible connections between marine salt water and groundwater aquifers.On the basis of such soil structure, this work analyzes possible detrimental influences on underground water quality, as well as protection direction. It also analyses the impact of underground water protection on development of particular parts of the island. Sum analysis gives sustainable development of the Krk Island.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bednarczyk, S ; Szymkiewicz, R ; Suligowski, Z.

Gdanjsk: Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Podaci o skupu

VII international symposium on Water management and hydraulic engineering



Międzybrodzie Żywieckie, Poljska

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