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Geotechnical Risk and Physical Planning on the Krk Island (CROSBI ID 486773)

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Benac, Čedomir ; Jardas, Branka ; Arbanas, Željko Geotechnical Risk and Physical Planning on the Krk Island // Proceedings of the VII International symposium on water management and hydraulic engineering / Bednarczyk, S. ; Szymkiewicz, R. ; Suligowski, Z. (ur.). Gdanjsk: Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering, 2001. str. 249-254-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Benac, Čedomir ; Jardas, Branka ; Arbanas, Željko


Geotechnical Risk and Physical Planning on the Krk Island

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the linkage between geomorphologic characteristics of the relief, tectonic structures, lithologic composition of deposits on the Krk island, and the degree of natural hazard and geotechnical risk. The influence of geotechnical risk on the physical planning is analysed, as well as the experiences and construction defaults in some urban locations. All rocks and soils on the Krk island in form three specific types of ground with different lithological composition and geotechnical properties and therefore quite different geohazard degree. They are: karst area, flysch area and alluvial area. Generally speaking, karst area is the most favourable for constructing, because has the lowest degree of geohazard, but this type of ground also comprises a great number of sites which are less favourable for construction. Flysch area has the higher degree of geohazard than karst area. Some geotechnical very favourable sites are situated on flysch type of ground. However, on these sites the old towns are located with lesser possibility for theirs expansion. Alluvial areas are greatly covered by the agricultural land and therefore they are inadequate for urbanisation.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bednarczyk, S. ; Szymkiewicz, R. ; Suligowski, Z.

Gdanjsk: Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Podaci o skupu

VII international symposium on Water management and hydraulic engineering



Międzybrodzie Żywieckie, Poljska

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