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Synthesis and Characterization of 1, 2, 3-Triazole Ligands and their Transition Metal Complexes (CROSBI ID 674913)

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Pantalon Juraj, Natalija ; Novosel, Tiana ; Krklec, Marko ; Perić, Berislav ; Vianello, Robert ; Raić-Malić, Silvana ; Kirin, Srećko I. Synthesis and Characterization of 1, 2, 3-Triazole Ligands and their Transition Metal Complexes // 26th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers : book of abstracts. 2019. str. 134-134

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pantalon Juraj, Natalija ; Novosel, Tiana ; Krklec, Marko ; Perić, Berislav ; Vianello, Robert ; Raić-Malić, Silvana ; Kirin, Srećko I.


Synthesis and Characterization of 1, 2, 3-Triazole Ligands and their Transition Metal Complexes

Click chemistry, an approach to synthesis using fast, versatile and high yielding reactions, has recently attracted attention as a simple way of preparing a wide scope of products. 1, 2, 3‐ triazoles can be prepared by Huisgen 1, 3‐ cycloaddition of azides and alkynes, where copper (I) as the catalyst dictates the formation of a 1, 4‐disubstituted triazole ring [1]. The triazole group is a weak base and depending on the conditions it can act both as a donor or acceptor of protons, as well as a ligand for coordinating metals [2]. The large dipole moment of triazole molecules (5 D) allows easy formation of hydrogen bonds, as well as dipole‐dipole and π interactions, which increase their solubility and allow binding to biological targets [3]. In this work, bis‐ and mono‐1, 2, 3‐triazole ligands and their metal complexes were prepared. Complexes of the thiazole ligand 4c were fully characterized by NMR, UV/Vis and IR spectroscopy. (SMD)/M05‐2X/6‐31+G(d)/LanL2DZ + ECP calculations helped in interpreting relative stabilities of mer, trans‐fac and cis‐ fac isomers of ML2 complexes. The prepared ligands and complex 4cZn will be tested for their antiproliferative properties.

1, 2, 3-triazoles ; tridentate ligands ; transition metal complexes

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26. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera (26HSKIKI) ; 4. simpozij Vladimir Prelog



Šibenik, Hrvatska

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